One of the coolest projects I ever worked on was for a senior leadership team on the vision of Public Safety in the State of Oklahoma creating a Super Charger Smart Car fleets to respond to myriad challenges and disasters that occur in their state.
We created a series of graphic novels that illustrated stories of how things happened today vs. how they would turn out with new technologies and processes in place.

The State Troopers in Oklahoma decided to print some of our images on mural size prints for the final presentation for the Governor's Office and representatives from the State Dept of Education, State Dept of Technology, FEMA, and Dept of Homeland Security. It was an amazing day. We even had the Super Car drive up in the parking lot streaming live video into our presentation so the audience could get up and go outside to see the prototype with all the technology in play.
The guys who contributed to this creative project were some of the nicest, most innovative, polite clients I've ever had. They truly are heros. This team of law enforcement officers were the ones who caught the Timothy McVeigh as he fled the Oklahoma City Bombing in 1995 went off and they were the first responders driving straight into the F5 tornado that hit Moore, OK in 2013 in the Super Car with all the prototype tech onboard.
I'd love to share this story with people. Write me if you'd like me to feature it in my bi-weekly Hayden Storytime Fridays.