Phew, the 2020s have been rough so far. COVID, ankle surgery and rehab, working from home for 4+ years, working with big name clients, helping family members, and the techapolypse. I'm looking forward to reconnecting with friends, colleagues, and former clients along with facilitating a lot of new ideas via workshops, devoting more time to creativity, and maybe even spend some fun free time discovering new things around the Bay Area. If you have ideas for me, send me a note!
I was getting future tech projects around the country creating large-scale, global, technology roadmaps with high profile clients and realized my art background was what was driving this success in tech world. I created my first book called, "Metropolis", worked in Public Sector software sales creating future Smart Cities roadmaps and formalized Vision Architecture, a methodology I use with clients to create and visualize their future experiences. I also volunteered over 12,000 hours to community and non-profit organizations working on equity and environmental justice.
We moved back to CA from Chicago, started an art gallery performance space called Sweet Fancy Moses in Morro Bay, I taught Art Gallery class at Cuesta College and I started working with big name clients. We moved to Southern CA for biotech work and then back to Oakland software company work. My husband and I divorced and are still friends. I started my helicopter and fixed-wing pilot licenses and had a lot of fun going on roadtrips and getting together with friends all over CA.
I graduated in 1990, went to school in London, traveled through Germany, moved to San Luis Obispo to go to Cuesta College, took every art course offered until my favorite instructor told me she wouldn't let me take anymore courses because I needed to go to real art school. I drove cross country, came back, and moved to San Francisco and got into the San Francisco Art Institute. I transferred to The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, graduated, and started my first business, Art of Chicago.
I grew up with a single dad who was an inventor and entrepreneur. He taught me to question everything, be fearless, confident, and responsible for repercussions associated with my choices and decisions. He checked any presents people gave me to make sure no one was giving me Barbie dolls or cooking toys. He asked me every day what I learned that day and what I thought about it. He was my best friend and my coach.