We don't mess around with general ideas of the future because we know you can't change what you can't measure.
By the time you go through the Charlie workshop and you're excited to be mapping your current state Alfa content to your future state Bravo content, you'll find it a lot easier to put numbers on your vision for the future.

Delta helps you ensure the highest level of success, for yourself, to hit the goals you want to hit when you want to hit them. Remember, this is all your future and your representation of what you want your time in this world to be devoted to.
The more we can specifically describe and quantify our goals, and the activities we engage in service of reaching those goals, the easier they are to hit because your targets are simply very clear.
Also, it helps to have crisp lines so that when you feel like venturing off track here and there you don't have to worry because in the back of your mind you're always aware how far you a wandering away and how long it will take you to get back on track.
It's perfectly fine, and a lot of fun to veer off track and adventure without plans sometimes, so don't be afraid to still be spontaneous and explore outside your roadmap - it's there for you when you decide to get back on plan.