One of my favorite parts of the Vision Architecture workshops is that they can, and often do, include coloring and coding attributes by color.

You don't have to do it, but it is satisfying. Now that I offer online versions of Charlie, and all the VA workshops, we can just use Google Sheets to change the color of the cell, but paper and pens are still so fun.
That said, I use color to represent:
Purple - wonderful things in life that bring you joy, peace, calm, passion - the things you really love.
Blue - peaceful and structured things which are useful and bring stability and calm to your life.
Green - things you're working that are going well or on target, no issues.
Yellow - things that aren't going so well, they're not emergencies, but they're causing risk you don't need.
Orange - things that are not good, close to becoming emergencies, and need fast mitigation.
Red - things that are real problems, or real risks to your joy, peace, calm, life or future.
We go through a quick color coding of your Alfa workshop, which is a prerequisite for Charlie workshop, and go through a strategic planning session that quantifies how much time each of these colors are taking up in your life. Whether they are the current state or the future state you want to have more purples, blues, and greens than yellows, orange, or reds as you plan your roadmap to your future state.

In this case, Camille put her most pressing things in the Red column to define priorities of actions to focus on first. She looked at some of her Alfa time commitments and chose the biggest actions she could take to meet her goals, including finding a new job, completing Vision Architecture workshops so she could create a new resume and website to feature the real Camille, and tuning up her Charlie roadmap details.